

The concept of evaluation in the higher education was introduced by Law 3374/2005, according to which, “evaluation consists in the systematic, documented and detailed evaluation, highlighting and recording of the work of Higher Education Institutions, using objective criteria, and in critical analysis and identification of any existing weaknesses and discrepancies in relation to the academic physiognomy, goals and mission,… »


The Agricultural University of Athens, sharing the need for a systematic collection and recording of objective indicators – qualitative and quantitative – has implemented an evaluation system, according to the current institutional framework in our country (Law 3374/2005), for the first time in 2008 and continues uninterruptedly every academic year.


The evaluation criteria and indicators revolve around the following axes:

  • The quality of the study programs
  • The quality of the teaching work
  • The quality of the research project
  • The quality of other services


The Departments and the University must be able to formulate a critical opinion on the quality of the work using objective criteria and indicators of common consent and general acceptance. The Evaluation process aims to:

  • Document and highlight the achievements of the Department
  • Identify points that need improvement
  • Identify the necessary improvement actions
  • Take initiatives for independent action within the Department, where and if possible
  • Make decisions for independent actions within the Foundation, where and when possible

Evaluation Procedures

Responsible for monitoring the progress of the Evaluation as well as for supporting the quality assurance procedures are:

Evaluation is a periodic process, which includes::

  • The submission of the Internal Report of the Department to QUA, on an annual basis
  • The submission of the Internal Evaluation Report of the Department to QUA every four years

The collection of data per Academic Unit is carried out by the Internal Evaluation Team (IET) of each Department.

Internal Evaluation Team of the Department

The Internal Evaluation Team (IET) is appointed by the Department that is subject to evaluation, by decision of its General Assembly. It is composed of faculty members, preferably with experience in quality assurance procedures, and a student representative.

Responsibilities of IET:

  • Conducts the Internal Evaluation Procedure in the Department, in collaboration with the relevant QUA.
  • Monitors the completion of the Inventory Sheets and Questionnaires and informs the bodies and members of the Department about the answers
  • Collects all the necessary data for the evaluation and based on them:

  • Prepares the Internal Evaluation Report (Self-Evaluation) of the Department, which forwards it to QUA and through it to HAHE

  • Collaborates with HAHE for the organization and implementation of the External Evaluation

Based on these, QUA prepares every two years and submits the corresponding Internal Report to the Senate of the Agricultural University.

The IET of the Department

  • George Papadomichelakis, Professor
  • Ariadne Hager, Associate Professor
  • Emmanuel Malandrakis, Assistant Professor
  • Panagiota Koutsouli, Associate Professor
  • Christos Balaskas, Assistant Professor
  • Athanasios Pappas, Associate Professor