Laboratory of Animal Breeding & Husbandry

The Laboratory is Directed by Professor Politis Ioannis and deals with teaching and research related to Livestock Production Systems, Physiology of Productive Traits, Ethology and Welfare, Genetics, Biochemistry, Genetic Technology and Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement of farm animals.

It hosts 9 Professors and 2 teaching and research members . The members of the Laboratory participate in various national and international research programs as well as in supporting the animal production sector in Greece by providing assistance in special breeding issues.

The Laboratory treats 6 main subjects: Breeding, Physiology of Productive Traits, Genetic Improvement, Quality of animal products, Population-Biochemical-Molecular Genetics and Impact of climate change on animal breeding systems.

Laboratory History

The Laboratory Animal Breeding & Husbandry is an evolution of the Chair of General Animal Science that existed in the list of chairs based on the Founding Law of the Higher Agricultural School of Athens in 1920 and with the first Professor Ioannis Dimakopoulos. After the departure of Mr. I. Dimakopoulos, the directorship of the Laboratory was taken over by Professor A. Karadounias. Decisive for the further development of the Laboratory was the assumption of direction by Professor Mr. E. Rogdakis between 1979-2009, who gave a significant boost to both the educational and research activities of the Laboratory.

From September 2012 until today, the direction of the Laboratory is exercised by Professor Mr. Ioannis Politis.

The Laboratory serves the subjects of Farm Animal Breeding, physiology of Production Properties (meat, milk, eggs), Genetic Improvement, Molecular Genetics-Biotechnology, Quality of Agricultural Products, Production Systems and Ethology-Farm Animal Welfare.

The Laboratory, through the respective director, exercises the management of the Animal Farm of the Foundation as provided by the Founding Law of the Athens Higher School of Agriculture.

Laboratory Objectives

The purpose of the Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Husbandry is:

  • to provide undergraduate and postgraduate students with theoretical and practical training in the subjects related to the Breeding of Monogastric and Ruminant Animals, and other categories of animals that are used for the production of useful for humans products, Livestock Production Systems, Physiology of Productive Properties, Ethology and Welfare, Genetics, Biochemistry, Gene Technology and Biotechnology, Genetic Improvement of farm animals (cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, birds, rabbits, etc.), the environment waste management and the effects of climate change on animal husbandry.

  • to produce basic scientific knowledge through the research carried out during the preparation of original bachelor’s and master’s theses, doctoral theses as well as from the research activities of the Laboratory’s staff.



Laboratory of Animal Breeding &Husbandry


75 Iera Odos Street, Votanikos, Athens
ΤΚ: 118 55

ΤEL:               +30 210 529 4430 | FAX: +30 210 529 xxxx
Mon – Fri | 09:00 – 15:00