20 optical stereoscopes
Projection system connected to microscope
1 PC and 1 projector
Working benches with sinks
Laboratory glassware washer
4 drying ovens
8 fume cupboards, Class A.
2 near infrared reflectance spectroscopy systems (NIRSystems Inc. and Foss)
1 in-vitro digestibility instrument (DAISY II-220)
2 instruments for the determination of crude fiber, NDF and ADF (ΑΝΚΟΜ 220)
1 instrument for the determination of ether extracts (Soxhtec Avanti, Foss-Tecator)
2 instruments for the determination of crude protein (2300 Kjeltec Analyzer Unit και 8400 Kjeltec AutoAnalyzer unit, Foss-Tecator)
2 heat blocks (digestors) for crude protein determination (DIGESTION SYSTEM 20115 Digestor 20 positions and Tecator 2006 Digestor 6 positions, Foss-Tecator)
2 Heraeus muffle furnaces, of 15 samples each
1 safety cabinet for reagents
2 digital balances (precision 0,0001 g)
1 fully equipped adiabatic calorimeter (Parr 1655, Parr Instruments, US)
3 high pressure oxygen cylinders (200 bar) and pressure control systems
1 analogue balance (precision 1 g)
1 sample pellet press
1 PCR (Life Technologies)
1 microscope (Leica)
1 laminar flow cabinet (Laminair, Telstar)
1 deep freezer (-80οC) (Sanyo)
1 cooling centrifuge (Ηeraeus)
1 domestic refrigerator with freezer (Βosch)
1 pH-meter (Jenway)
1 stirrer (Velp)
1 gel image analysis with UV (UVP)
1 Vortex (Scientific Industries)
2 incubators (Binder)
1 freezer -30οC (Sanyo)
1 freezer -30οC (Inventor)
1 microplate reader (Awareness Technology)
1 digital balance (precision 0,0001 g, Κern)
1 fume cupboard, Class A
1 high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) with UV detector (Hewlett-Packard 1100)
1 gas chromatograph with FID (Perkin-Elmer autosystem XL)
1 gas chromatograph with FID and autosampler carousel (Agilent 6890Ν)
1 vacuum centrifuge for Eppendorf vials (Concentrator plus)
1 wet sterilization oven (Autester ST Dry PV23)
2 spectophotometers (UV-VIS, Unicam Helios-a and Thermo Scientific Genesys180)
1 Elisa Awareness instrument (StatFax 2100)
1 centrifuge Thermo (Thermo Scientific SL16R)
1 centrifuge Heraeus (Biofuge primo R)
1 safety cabinet for reagents
2 fume cupboards, Class A
1 safety cabinet for reagents
Working benches with sinks
1 spectophotometer
3 digital balances (precision 0,001 g)
Various laboratory glassware
Α. Laboratory scale equipment:
Analytical instruments: UPLC/MS-MS, MPLC, HPLC, GC/MS, GC/FID, Microarray reader, UV-vis, Microplate scanner
Laboratory devices: MARS (Microwave Digestion-Extraction System), PCR, freeze drier, supersonic baths, centrifuges, vacuum rotary evaporators
Β. Pilot scale equipment:
Essential oil production system: i) classic with 150 Kg capacity (316 steel) and ii) microwave essential oil extraction system with 5 Kg capacity (borosilicate glass)
Industrial supersonic extractor with 25 Kg capacity (316 steel).
Industrial vacuum rotary evaporator with 25 L capacity (borosilicate glass)
Industrial vacuum solvent evaporator (316 steel)
Composting systems: Α) 2 closed type (capacity 10 m3 each), and Β) 4 open type (capacity 10 m3 each)
1 fully equipped (automatic ventilation, cooling and lighting control) facility for 400 laying hens
1 fully equipped (automatic ventilation, cooling and lighting control) facility for 400 broiler chickens
1 fully equipped (automatic ventilation, cooling and lighting control) facility for 200 broiler chickens
1 fully equipped (automatic ventilation, cooling and lighting control) facility for 192 growing-fattening rabbits
1 fully equipped (automatic ventilation, cooling and lighting control) facility with 28 group pens for growing-fattening pigs (with additional 18 metabolic crates for piglets)
3 small ruminant facilities
1 storage room
1 sampling room (blood, meat, digesta sampling) for small animals (poultry and rabbits)
3 digital balances (precision 0,001 g)
1 personnel room
1 toilet with laundry room
1 industrial scale incinerator for biological materials
1 feed storage room
1 rotary mixer with a capacity of 50 kg/batch
1 vertical mixer with a capacity of 150 kg/batch
1 forage shredder
1 hammer mill
2 sampling small hammer mills
1 pellet press with a capacity of 100 kg/h (LISTER, UK)
Laboratory of Nutritional Physiology & Feeding
75 Iera Odos Street, Votanikos, Athens
ΤΚ: 118 55
ΤEL: +30 210 529 4412 | FAX: +30 210 529 4413
EMAIL: ekatsarou@aua.gr
HOURS: Mon – Fri | 09:00 – 15:00